Looking at the provisioning queue within SAP Identity Managment you might find our e.g.:

select count(*) from mxp_provision


But what to do now with this absolute number. Several blogs and tutorials are covering the different states and potential resolving of issues but the main information required is: Do I have an issue right at this time? For that purpose it makes sense to combine provisioning with the state and also with the information whether the repository being considered in provisioning is active at all. Especially larger customers who are undergoing maintenance cycles on several systems are likely to be affected by this.

Joining states with active repositories and provisioning queue the following query might come up handy:

select state.name, rep.rep_name, prov.* from mxp_provision prov inner join mxp_state state on prov.state = state.statid inner join mc_repository rep on rep.rep_id = prov.repositoryid  where rep.rep_disabled = 0 order by state desc

The entries returned are those which might need some deeper inspection, sorted by highest state.

SAP IDM provisioning queue